Vocatech: Vocational Education and technology Journal ( p-ISSN 2716-5183 , e-ISSN 2686-4770 was launched in 2019. It is an academic journal jointly published by Akademi Komunitas Negeri Aceh Barat and Asosiasi Dosen dan Guru Vokasi Indonesia based on the Memorandum of Understandingsigned between the two parties. Vocatech is published twice a year in April and October with the first volume being issued in October, 2019 with only one Issue. Since Vol.5 Issue 1, the journal charge the publication fee of IDR 250.000,- for accepted article. Previously the publisher held the copyright of the journal. Since 2021 the journal is published under CC-BY-SA Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
Articles published in Vocatech are based on the results of research and scientific reviews of contemporary phenomena in the field of engineering, technology and vocational education. Each article subbmitted to Vocatech will be sent to the editor's section for the Initial Desk Review process. Once the artcile passed initial review it will be sent to peer reviewers for Double-Blind Peer Review Process. Selected papers are publisehd under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. The journal is registered in the CrossReff Digital Object Identifier (DOI), with prefix 10.38038/vocatech through Relawan Jurnal Indonesia
Before Submission
The author has ensured that the manuscript has been prepared using the Vocatech Template following the author's guidelines and not single author. All the manuscripts are checked for similarity index prior to publication. Any text that does not meet the guidelines, focus and scope of the author, is written in a different format, or has a poor level of difficulty in Indonesian, will be immediately rejected. Only manuscript that meets Vocatech's: Vocational Education and technology Journal will be further processed. Please take a not that references must follow APA 7th referencing system and is cited using reference manager tools (Mendeley, Endnote, Zotero and etc)
- Beginning Volume 4 Issue 2, Vocatech articles started using one coloumn template tha can be downloaded from here.
- Beginning from Volume 5 Issue 2, Vocatech started charging articles accepted for publcation at IDR 250.000,-
- Previously the publisher held the copyright of the journal. Since 2021 the journal is published under CC-BY-SA Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
Online Submissions
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Vol 6, No 1 (2024): October
Table of Contents
Heru Pramanda, Bunyamin Bunyamin, Imransyah Idroes, Jefriza Jefriza, T Muhammad Zdaki
Hilma Erliana, Cut Liliiza Yusra, Ade Dwinta, Fitry Hasdanita
Aulia Rahman, Lissa Opirina, Roni Agusmaniza, M. Zulfrizal
Andi Mustari, Nurmala Sari, Nurulwati Nurulwati, Ferdiansyah Novriza
Riza Hasan, Farthur Ahkyat, Fitrayansyah Fitrayansyah, Hajar Ashwad
Teuku Mizan Sya'rani Denk, Herdian Saputra, Ary Firnanda, T. M. Azis Pandria, Cut Daili, Afrilia Hidayat
Dian Novian, Hermila A., Randi Sudirman
Nica Astrianda, Asmaul Husna Away, Suryadi Suryadi