Pengaruh Penambahan Serbuk Arang Cangkang Kemiri – Barium Karbonat Terhadap Permukaan Pahat Bubut dengan Menggunakan Metode Pack Carburizing

Khairul Umurani, Syahrul Fathi, Iqbal Tanjung


This research is focused on surface treatment to improve the physical and mechanical repair of low carbon steel by carburizing method. One of the solid media commonly used is candlenut shell charcoal. Candlenut shells have a carbon presentation value of 76.31%. 4 test specimens were prepared in this study. The test specimen is a carbide insert lathe tool. The carburizing process in this study uses candlenut shell charcoal with the addition of active ingredients so that the process of adding carbon to the media takes place in a gas state. The active ingredient chosen is barium carbonate (BaCO3), with a percentage of 40%. The test specimens are mixed with the two materials into a steel cylinder tube which is afterward heated into a heating furnace with a temperature of 800 ºC - 950 ºC for a long duration of 8 hours and cooled slowly. The micro test results showed that there was a structural change on the surface of the test specimen. Furthermore, the hardness test results show that the hardness value of the lathe tool has increased after the carburizing process is carried out. The test specimen without carburizing process has a Vickers hardness value of 1.619. Hereinafter, specimens that have been carburized have an average Vickers hardness value of 1.73. The highest hardness value occurs at point 5 of the test on specimen 2. Based on the test results, it was found the surface hardness value of the specimen was successfully increased by the Pack Carburizing method.
Carburizing; Candlenut Shell Charcoal; carbide tools; Micro Structure; Hardness Vickers.

Penelitian ini difokuskan pada perlakuan permukaan untuk memperbaiki fisis dan mekanis baja karbon rendah dengan metode carburiszing. Salah satu media padat yang umum digunakan ialah arang cangkang kemiri. Cangkang kemiri memiliki nilai presentasi karbon sebesar 76,31%. 4 spesimen uji disiapkan dalam penelitian ini. Spesimen uji merupakan pahat bubut berjenis karbida sisipan. Proses carburizing pada penelitian ini menggunakan arang cangkang kemiri dengan penambahan bahan aktif sehingga proses penambahan karbon terhadap media berlangsung dalam keadaan gas. Bahan aktif yang dipilih ialah barium karbonat (BaCO3) dengan presentase 40 %. Spesimen uji dicampurkan dengan kedua bahan ke dalam tabung silinder baja yang selanjutnya dipanaskan ke dalam tungku pemanas dengan suhu 800 ºC - 950 ºC dengan lama durasi selama 8 jam dan didinginkan dengan udara lingkungan secara perlahan. Hasil pengujian uji mikro menunjukkan terjadi perubahan struktur pada permukaan spesimen uji. Selanjutnya hasil pengujian kekerasan menunjukkan nilai kekerasan pada pahat bubut mengalami peningkatan setelah dilakukan proses carburizing. Spesimen uji tanpa proses carburizing memiliki nilai kekerasan Vickers sebesar 1,619. Selanjutnya spesimen yang telah dilakukan proses carburizing memiliki nilai rata-rata kekerasan Vickers sebesar 1,731. Nilai kekerasan tertinggi terjadi pada titik 5 pengujian pada spesimen 2. Berdasarkan hasil pengujian didapatkan nilai kekerasan permukaan spesimen uji berhasil ditingkatkan dengan metode Pack Carburizing.
Kata Kunci:
Carburizing; Arang Cangkang Kemiri; Mata Pahat Karbida; Struktur Mikro; Hardness Vickers.


Carburizing; Arang Cangkang Kemiri; Mata Pahat Karbida; Struktur Mikro; Hardness Vickers.

Full Text:



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